Sunday 24 June 2018

Week 8

Another fantastic week in Room 19. Thank you to the fantastic efforts of all of the tamariki. 

MONDAY: Year 6 students went along to Cobham Intermediate for a visit. They all loved their time there. They were split up into smaller groups and had a taste of different subjects: Dance, Sewing, Digital tech, Lab Science etc


WEDNESDAY: We were learning about eggs, the parts of an egg, who can remember these? Also the changes that occur when we just use egg whites or Egg Yolks. 

ARTS EXTRAVAGANZA: Thank you to everyone who made the time to come along to Ilam and check out all of the wonderful art works that were on display. We had wonderful feedback about our Sock puppets and clay monster. 


  1. The cobham trip seems really amazing!!!

    1. It was really AMAZING bEcAuse me and Methuki got to learn cords on a ukulele for music! And we did some beanbags/hackysacks for stitching/fabric tech! It will be lots of fun for you guys to go next year! I really suggest you to do Music, Science, And I think Cooking and I dont think theres Sport??

  2. i loved the art extravaganza and the writng being the person who tells people to come.

  3. It was fun experiencing cobham! And it was fun doing the clay monster + sock puppet everyone did a fantastic job!! :)
