Tuesday 23 April 2024

James K Baxter Poems.

 We read one of James K Baxter's Poems. We had to look at the descriptive language, the nouns and verbs that were used. We then thought about our own special place and wrote poems using his poem as a scaffold. 

Check them out


 Check out some of our amazing art works that are now completed and up on our walls. 

Thursday 11 April 2024


 A couple of weeks ago we went for a walk over to the river near UC. We took photos of the landscape. Here are some of the photos. 

Our next step was to look at Pointillism artworks. We traced the main outlines of our chosen photo then used different techniques to work on our art pieces. 

We learnt about the colour wheel and how to mix colours using the primary colours only. 

Cross Country

 WOW what an awesome day we had weather wise, maybe just a little too hot... but we all got through it. 

Congratulations to everyone for going out there and giving it their best shot. So proud of all of you. 

Ka Pai to the following students from Room 4 who will now go through to West Zones on 23 May. 

Alexandra, Quinn, Anjulan, Lola, Adah and Nevaeh W. 

We had a Whanau lunch before the cross country. 

Sunday 7 April 2024