Monday 11 May 2020

Meerkats Writing

A group of meerkats lovingly tend to a beloved and unique fruit
in the middle of the savannah. One day, their peaceful existence is
disrupted by a vulture intent on stealing their pride and joy.
Will the meerkats be able to get it back? They decided to get back
the thing that they owned so they chased the vulture with incredible
speed one of the meerkats leaped onto the vultures leg the vulture shook
his leg with all his might and the meerkat fell onto the ground with a
loud thud after a long time of chasing and getting hurt a meerkat got the
fruit but the vulture was coming towards him so he passed the fruit to
one of his friends and they kept on passing to each other until the
vulture was dizzy then spun out of control and went BAM!!!!!! 
Right into a rock wall as the meerkats flew down to safety….
Stay tuned for PT2 coming tomorrow. 

A beautiful kick off at the desert stadium and it looks like there's nothing
for 100 miles. The meerkat Africa team look like they’re doing quite well
but then out of the blue the Crow black team are lining up a drop kick
and Dan Crowter goes for it but it bounces off the big cliff. It looks like meerkat
1 is running for the berry and as soon as it bounces he turns and sprints
as fast as he can. It looks like Crowter hurt himself a little bit. Now the Africans
are doing their fancy skills passing behind their back, meerkat 5 is now getting
ready to drop goal for the points.  He kicks,  he scores but the fruit hits the
ground and splaats. The crowd is not wild, if there was one.
By Felix
The trees so luscious, so crisp and green,
The ground is so hard and  dry but so clean.
The plants big and beautiful and growing,
Growing up, up, up and away they are stowing,
In the trees that are growing.
The sun shines ever so slightly over the ever growing grass,
But that is okay because now animals could hide from hungry predators coming past.

Meerkats point of view
We were sleeping until a warm scent of fruit came into our little house.
One by one we all woke up and started to stare at the pink fruit. We all
wanted to touch the fruit so we worked as a team to get up the tree and
feel the delicious fruit. But then a mean big monster came, we scurried
into their houses to not get eaten by the monster. The monster landed on
the same thin branch that the fruit was on, and the monster looked at us
and then looked at the fruit he then had a cheeky grin on and started to grab
hold of the fruit, and before we could look at each other the fruit was in the
monsters hand and he was almost one kilometer away. We looked at each
other furious and said let's go get him! So we were running after him, us on
each other's shoulders trying to get up to the cheeky and mean monster. My
best friend got hold of the fruit and was pulling very hard but then fell off, we
kept trying and trying, and trying, and we were so close but the monster finally
got us off, and we gave up. We were about to turn around and go back home
but then the vulture slammed into the cliff wall and dropped the fruit, we quickly
got it. We were so proud that we were even playing rugby with the fruit until Nigel
kicked it between the post ( two trees ) and it got squished.
At least we tried we said

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