Saturday, 23 May 2020

Week 1 after Lockdown, (actually Week 6)

Wow what a week. It was so great to see everyone at school this week. 
We had a great time together....

FACE ART: Self portraits are coming along nicely. These will take a bit of time as there is a lot of work involved. 

COVID: Bubble posters: these are for us to hold on to as a momento of the lockdown. Remembering times like these are important in our life. 

CAINES ARCADE: Yay we get to have a go at planning, designing and making our very own Cardboard arcade. What will be the main learning focus of this: Co operative skills, team work, getting involved and listening. 

THE RIDGE: Synonyms, great descriptive paragraphs on settings and also Show not tell, our feelings. What does this mean?

NAPIER'S BONES: What???? Can you remember how we use these? Show someone how to use them. 

FIRST to 100: Fitness: More to come on this next week. 

AND LAST BUT DEFINITELY NOT LEAST: CHOCOLATE: What is WCF? Why is it important to us at the moment? 

Tuesday, 12 May 2020


Well done to Levi, Monique and Josh who completed Tuesdays task of following instructions. 

Check out these photos, I bet the cookies and brownie taste FANTASTIC. 

Moniques cookies



JOSH BAKING: They look yummy

Monday, 11 May 2020



Kia ora,

Please join us for our last Olympic Ambassador Live session tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11am. It will be a great way to end with three-time Olympian, Shea McAleese, and Rio Olympian, Jaimee Lovett, focussing on the actual Olympic experience - competing, Olympic Village life, and being part of the awesome NZ Team. Here is the link to the NZOC Facebook page to share with your school community:
 Samantha Charlton's session last week, Sam gave some great advice around healthy eating, perseverance, and being your best. If you missed it here is the YouTube link:

Meerkats Writing

A group of meerkats lovingly tend to a beloved and unique fruit
in the middle of the savannah. One day, their peaceful existence is
disrupted by a vulture intent on stealing their pride and joy.
Will the meerkats be able to get it back? They decided to get back
the thing that they owned so they chased the vulture with incredible
speed one of the meerkats leaped onto the vultures leg the vulture shook
his leg with all his might and the meerkat fell onto the ground with a
loud thud after a long time of chasing and getting hurt a meerkat got the
fruit but the vulture was coming towards him so he passed the fruit to
one of his friends and they kept on passing to each other until the
vulture was dizzy then spun out of control and went BAM!!!!!! 
Right into a rock wall as the meerkats flew down to safety….
Stay tuned for PT2 coming tomorrow. 

A beautiful kick off at the desert stadium and it looks like there's nothing
for 100 miles. The meerkat Africa team look like they’re doing quite well
but then out of the blue the Crow black team are lining up a drop kick
and Dan Crowter goes for it but it bounces off the big cliff. It looks like meerkat
1 is running for the berry and as soon as it bounces he turns and sprints
as fast as he can. It looks like Crowter hurt himself a little bit. Now the Africans
are doing their fancy skills passing behind their back, meerkat 5 is now getting
ready to drop goal for the points.  He kicks,  he scores but the fruit hits the
ground and splaats. The crowd is not wild, if there was one.
By Felix
The trees so luscious, so crisp and green,
The ground is so hard and  dry but so clean.
The plants big and beautiful and growing,
Growing up, up, up and away they are stowing,
In the trees that are growing.
The sun shines ever so slightly over the ever growing grass,
But that is okay because now animals could hide from hungry predators coming past.

Meerkats point of view
We were sleeping until a warm scent of fruit came into our little house.
One by one we all woke up and started to stare at the pink fruit. We all
wanted to touch the fruit so we worked as a team to get up the tree and
feel the delicious fruit. But then a mean big monster came, we scurried
into their houses to not get eaten by the monster. The monster landed on
the same thin branch that the fruit was on, and the monster looked at us
and then looked at the fruit he then had a cheeky grin on and started to grab
hold of the fruit, and before we could look at each other the fruit was in the
monsters hand and he was almost one kilometer away. We looked at each
other furious and said let's go get him! So we were running after him, us on
each other's shoulders trying to get up to the cheeky and mean monster. My
best friend got hold of the fruit and was pulling very hard but then fell off, we
kept trying and trying, and trying, and we were so close but the monster finally
got us off, and we gave up. We were about to turn around and go back home
but then the vulture slammed into the cliff wall and dropped the fruit, we quickly
got it. We were so proud that we were even playing rugby with the fruit until Nigel
kicked it between the post ( two trees ) and it got squished.
At least we tried we said

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Click on the link so that you can see 

Have a go at this yourself. 


Great writing today ...

My first swimming race…

The giraffe in this clip reminds me of my first ever swimming race.
I had not long turned 8 years old and mum asked the Head Coach at Jasi swim club
if I could participate in the Club Splash night. I was still having swimming lessons in the
other pool at Jelly Park, not the big deep pool where James trained and where the Splash
night would be held. The coaches agreed to me swimming and I was entered into the 50m Freestyle.

I remember the butterfly feeling I had in my tummy when I was waiting to marshall
for my race. James stayed with me so he could listen for my name and make sure
I was standing in the right place with my heat. I knew I could swim 50m but my legs
still felt heavy and my butterflies were flapping around non stop now. My biggest worry
was diving off the block in front of everyone. I tried not to think about belly flopping or my
foot slipping or leaving too soon or my biggest fear of all, diving in and my togs falling down
and everyone would see my bottom and laugh!

My heat was called up to stand behind the blocks. I stood there behind block 5,
I knew where mum was sitting so I glanced up to her, she was giving me the thumbs
up and smiling. I put my goggles on and pushed them in onto my eyes so they would
suck onto my skin. Standing behind the block it seemed huge, higher than I thought it
would be. I gave my legs a couple of slaps and then the whistle blew to tell us to climb up
onto the block. My right foot is at the front with my toes curling over the front edge and my left
foot is at the back but only my toes are touching the block. My hands are either side of my front
foot and are gripping the block. I can see my knuckles turning white because I’m holding on so
tight, hoping not to fall into the water. The buzzer sounds to start the race and I push hard with
my legs, up and out over the water. I'm in the air and my arms are in a tight streamline position
with my fingers waiting to break the water. My chin is down on my chest and my eyes are
looking at the bottom of the pool. I hit the water and I’m off. My legs wake up and start
kicking and my arms are pulling me through the water. And I’m happy to say my togs stayed on!!
By Michael

A beautiful day and it is a new day, a giraffe came out and
went to the pool another giraffe came and another there is a
lot of giraffe on the screen. The giraffe went to the pool dive they
don’t know how but they live.  There the pool is huge the giraffe can
drink water the giraffe can dive down and play. Two other giraffes help them to
flip them and dive down. This is fun for the giraffe. The giraffe can show, it is because
humans train them into high dive so they can play and high dive. They had a lot of fun.

Coming out of the changing room getting ready for my dive. 
Walking down the pathway nervously I get ready and go I ran and dived
splashing into the pool I was cold shivering running back up ready to dive again
same thing but I run even faster he’s running in at incredible speeds  I have never
seen anyone run that fast before he jumps and does a backflip I get out of the pool and
I go for a sip of water i go back into the changing room walking out
and getting into the bus going back to school.




those two giraffes they MUST hurt their neck!

They should have a turn or they are put in a net!

Inside the net because of the zoo.THE ZOO THE ZOO!

The 1000 giraffes start to turn blue….

They are now put in the zoo aka animal prison, all trapped in there in that cage

But someone here to SAVE THE DAY!

Out they come of the cage and HAVE SOME FUN!


G reat at doing backflips

I ncredible at jumping off the top diving 

R eally really funny when they try to lick their b**** when they do their backflips

A mazing how the giraffe flips the other giraffes

F unny when the giraffe points it’s tongue at the camera 

F ull of lots and lots of laughter

E ven if you’re an animal you can still make your dream come true  



Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Benjamins Science

In our Google Meet yesterday Benjamin shared something that he has been working on with his Dad. Click on the link for the explanation.   Rock Candy
His dad suggests half the amount of sugar and use a smaller jar. 

Let's see how you get on. Take photos and I can upload them to this page. Keep a diary of what is happening each day.  


Well done to many of you for giving the Maths Puzzles a crack. 

Below is a video of Josh completing the fish puzzle. Also pictures that Aleck shared of his work. 


Sunday, 3 May 2020

Weekend Photos

Josh has been busy during lockdown making up so many Lego creations that they had to make a shelf just so that he could display them. 
KA PAI Josh. Great DIY tricks there. 

Friday, 1 May 2020


Ohhh I just wish I could try some of what Michael has been baking, don't these cinnamon scrolls look delicious? 

Well done to Darrens mum Angie who has been teaching him Chinese. Bear is keeping a close watch on him to see if he is doing it correctly.

Check out the letter that Savannah wrote for our ANZAC day writing. Well done!