Thursday 16 April 2020


WOW I am so impressed with all of the fantastic work that is being done. 

I have added a couple of pieces of writing and pictures that have been drawn. 

This following piece was written by Theo about NELLIE. 

Nellie the Elephant was devastated when she saw the circus in ashes. It all started on Tuesday morning when Nellie and the other circus animals were practicing for their night time performance. It was all going well. Juliet the Dog was dancing on the tightrope, Felix the Giraffe was flipping through the air and Nellie was balancing on a big yoga ball borrowed (well stolen really) from the gym beside the town hall. 

Everything was going as planned when all of a sudden Nellie heard a scream, ‘‘aaaahhhhh.’’ Nellie spun around to see Juliet had fallen off the tightrope! Nellie ran forward determined to catch Juliet before she hit the ground. But she wasn’t going to make it! Juliet was falling towards the ground with great speed. But then Juliet had hit the springy safety net and bounced back up to the tightrope with great style. 

‘’Phew’’said Nellie. ‘‘I forgot the safety net was there’’. ‘‘I want to do that again’’ said Juliet and she jumped off the tightrope, bounced off the net but this time instead of landing gracefully back on the tightrope she crashed into the wall!  Juliet hung onto the banner saying CIRCUS in big letters. But she was slipping! Then suddenly she fell crashing into lantern after lantern. Then when it looked like it couldn't get any worse the Circus tent caught on fire! And Juliet was lying motionless on the floor.
Nellie ran forwards, scooped up Juliet with her trunk and  salvaged all of her possessions she could find. By now most of the tent was on fire and all of the other circus animals had evacuated. Nellie ran towards the door but dropped the still motionless Juliet. And just when she was about to go back into the circus tent to save Juliet, the circus owner with four others tugged Nellie by the trunk out of the burning tent. 

Three hours after the fire was put out Nellie, lonely and devastated, quietly mourns the death of Juliet; her friend, then walks away from everything she ever knew to start a new life. On this journey to a new destination Nellie sees Tigger the Tiger, her sworn circus enemy.  But as they both look around at the devastating site, they realise they have no one else but each other. So putting their differences aside they agree to set out in hope of finding a new life.  

After weeks of walking Nellie and Tigger see a glimpse of what could be a new hope. As they get closer they see it’s green, grassy and full of animals. A jungle rainforest! It’s perfect for the both of them and from then on Nellie and Tigger live happily in their new home forever. But Nellie never forgets that day when she lost her friend Juliet



I slowly feel myself waking in the morning. I lift my head off my pillow just enough so that I can look down to the end of my bedroom where my clock sits on a set of drawers. The big red numbers read 8.00am. I rest my head back onto my pillow and roll onto my side and look across to my brother's bed to see if he is still sleeping, but today he is already up and probably playing on his ipad with his friends downstairs.

I flick the duvet off me and wander out of my room down the hallway to the bathroom and turn the shower on so the water will warm up before I hop in. I carefully step into the shower and using my feet I test if the water is warm by touching the bottom of the shower. One thing I love about having a shower is using my mum’s slippery bar of soap and using all the different shampoo and conditioners with their clean smelling scent. I squeeze the shampoo into one hand and then rub my hands together and then onto my head to clean my hair (which has grown a lot and needs a trim). After a good ten minutes in the shower dad usually sticks his head into the bathroom and tells me to “hop out, you’re wasting water and I have to pay for it”. I start singing and stay in for another five minutes with my back to the water and using my hands as a microphone I sing a little louder to annoy my dad because he’s working and talking to people in meetings…

To be continued

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