Friday 23 March 2018


This week we have been writing some great letters. Mrs Ewen read us the book, "The Day the Crayons Quit"

We then decided to write to items that we used too much, or not enough. Please check out our writing below. 


  1. I enjoyed doing the “The day my crayon quit” because it was fun imagining when your stuff gives you a letter and complaining things you do with your stuff!

  2. Everyone did great on “The day the crayons quit” it was fun doing the letter because imagine if your things really sent a letter to you and complaining about stuff!

  3. It was really fun to choose something and write about it. I think everyone did a GREAT job.

  4. My mum didn't believe me I wrote the letter because description words ,thanks for teaching us.

  5. Hilarious! Good that Oliver realises that his friend might need a little more care, hahaha
