Saturday 4 November 2017



Room 19 has had another busy week. This week included a range of things including:

WRITING: Instructions: What do instructions need to have? 

READING: Destination World: What new strategies have you learnt for reading?

MATHS: Decimals: What have you learnt about decimals? When would we use this new learning?

SELF REGULATED LEARNING: We have had some great discussion around being Self Regulated Learners. We have also incorporated this into our daily routine during the Literacy programme. How has this worked for you? What would be your goal around this?

CYCLE SAFETY: Year 6 students had a great day on Friday learning about cycle safety. All of their bikes were check for Road worthiness so please ask your child for their check sheet. They all completed the training successfully. Special mention to Sofiya who had her first try at biking and now look at her. Shows what having a GROWTH MINDSET and a determined teacher does!

CRICKET: Games of cricket were played this week, the first one was Year 6 students against staff. The students were lucky to just sneak past the staff as the staff were being polite!!!!
Two other teams played on Friday afternoon, with one team winning against Westburn and the other team losing to Cotswold. 

WOW Look at what Grace found on the way to school during the week! Super good luck charm. We have pressed it and placed in on paper and had it laminated for safe keeping. 

New Students: We have had a couple of new students in the class, they look a bit star struck in their photos. Welcome:)


  1. You all look like that you enjoyed yourselves with the bike safety day - congratulations to Sofyia - hopefully you will be coming to McLean's Island for the ride if its on.

    Haha cool photos Pops and Nadia

    1. I agree with Edwin, you did look like you enjoyed yourselves, plus adorable photos Nadia and Grace

  2. Well done Sofiya. A great new skill to have. I've loved hearing about Destination World. Great project. Hope you all have another good week

    Liz Martyn

  3. Yea this week was awesome, especially cycle safety. And in those photos, dang we look good lol;-)


  4. Cycle safety was so fun I loved the race that we had with other team. oh and by the way Nadia and grace nice photo on Mrs ewen phone.

  5. Well done Sofiya, you are a fast learner!! WELL DONE!!!!!

  6. Great to see the photos of everyone enjoying their cycle safety. The new students look so exciting - I can't wait to meet them. Hee hee! :)
    Jane Hooker

  7. Wow nice find grace a four leaf clover and $5 note.

  8. The cyle safety was awesome i hope the year fives enjoy it next year.

  9. Poppy learnt a lot at the cycle safety event, she was checking our bikes to make sure they were road ready and was telling us about the fines you can get when we biked to school yesterday ;)

  10. Cycle safety was so awesome and the self regulated learning was really great since my time management was improved so much more ^-^
