Wednesday, 19 June 2019


Congratulations to our 3 runners in the Canterbury Cross Country today. 
Michael 34/113
 Daniel 56/113
Erica 14/120
Great results from all of these runners. Even though the day started off cold the sun came out for perfect running conditions. 

Congratulations to Raeann who won the Poster competition. Here is a photo of the winning poster. Well done to Lily who was second. Check out their hair styles:)

Last week our Year 6 students had the wonderful opportunity to go to see what is was like learning at Kirkwood. Check out some of the photos below.

COBHAM: This week while the Year 6 students were visiting Cobham, the Year 5 students from Room 1 joined with the Room 4 students. We had fun doing some Geometry Art and also completing a basketball Tower challenge. Great team work was involved, being able to communicate effectively with each other. 

 ART: During the last two weeks we have been working on Perspective Art: We have started with sketching plans in our books, then we moved onto the real art work. Miss Berkley has been taken us through the process. We are all learning a lot. FInished masterpieces will be on show next week.

1 comment:

  1. Those photos look AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Good on Michael.F, Daniel and Erica to give the Canterbury Cross Country a go, I'm sure they did all did AWESOME.
    Great work to Lily and Raeann to win the Matariki poster competition, looking ford to going there.
    The basketball challenge looked like so much fun, I did it last year and it was so much fun.
