Thursday, 30 November 2017

Welcome Layla

Congratulations to Xavier and his parents who have welcomed Layla to their family. She was born on 21st November.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Bits and Pieces

Congratulations to 3 Room 19 students who competed in the Primary Sports Canterbury Triathlon held at Pegasus today. It was great weather for it and the students competed very well. Luca, George and Julia. It was the first time for both George and Julia. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the students below who all received a certificate last Friday for showing awesome values in Room 19. Keep Striving!


Last term we went to the Art Gallery and began some fantastic pieces of Art. We have recently just complete these. Check them out in the classroom now. The type of art is Pointilism.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Week 5


This week we have welcomed Zac to Room 19. He is with us until the end of the year. Zac is from Tasmania and we know that he will enjoy the time that he has with us. 


We have had our first week of swimming. Room 19 have all been put into groups and the lessons have been great. We have no swimming again until a Mini Polo session on 1st December.


We have just started a new rich task for Maths, we are either working individually or in pairs. We have to design our own theme park and work out all of the costing to set it up and then run the park. Everyone is so on task. We will keep you informed of how we are going. 


We have been writing reports related to topics in our Kiwi Passport. Check out a couple below. 

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Busy Weekend

It was a busy weekend for a lot of the Room 19 children, there were birthday parties, sailing, cricket, bike racing etc etc.

Also we had a few students involved in Robofest which was held at Russley School.

3 of our girls were involved in the end of year dance recital. It was a fantastic show. 

Friday, 10 November 2017


Another great week in Room 19:

SWIMMING: Please remember that we have swimming every day next week. 

Children will need to have:
·      Clothing clearly named (even underwear)
·      Swimming togs (comfortable, easy to put on/take off)
·      Named goggles (if needed)
·      A named towel

·      A big swimming bag to hold everything  (plastic shopping bags are not the best as they rip easily)

This week we have been concentrating on the following:

MATHS: Adding and subtracting decimals, learning about the place value of decimals and how they link to fractions. This is all in preparation for our Theme Park Maths which you will hear more about next week.

SELF REGULATED LEARNING: this has continued this week for reading our Destination world journals and also the Information reports. Some of us realise that we need to self manage our time more. 

ART: We have been continuing with our piece of Art we started at the Art Gallery

ZONE ATHLETICS: Congratulations to our Room 19 students who represented Ilam at the West Zone competition: Parth, Crace, Charmaine, George, Julia and Poppy. There was great sportsmanship to be seen. Well Done to all of you. 


Sophie on achieving your Science Certificate and Methuki on achieving your Science Badge. You both worked extremely hard on these activities.

THANK YOU to the people below for the time and effort put into Road patrol during the year. It is a very important job and you completed it extremely well. 

Saturday, 4 November 2017



Room 19 has had another busy week. This week included a range of things including:

WRITING: Instructions: What do instructions need to have? 

READING: Destination World: What new strategies have you learnt for reading?

MATHS: Decimals: What have you learnt about decimals? When would we use this new learning?

SELF REGULATED LEARNING: We have had some great discussion around being Self Regulated Learners. We have also incorporated this into our daily routine during the Literacy programme. How has this worked for you? What would be your goal around this?

CYCLE SAFETY: Year 6 students had a great day on Friday learning about cycle safety. All of their bikes were check for Road worthiness so please ask your child for their check sheet. They all completed the training successfully. Special mention to Sofiya who had her first try at biking and now look at her. Shows what having a GROWTH MINDSET and a determined teacher does!

CRICKET: Games of cricket were played this week, the first one was Year 6 students against staff. The students were lucky to just sneak past the staff as the staff were being polite!!!!
Two other teams played on Friday afternoon, with one team winning against Westburn and the other team losing to Cotswold. 

WOW Look at what Grace found on the way to school during the week! Super good luck charm. We have pressed it and placed in on paper and had it laminated for safe keeping. 

New Students: We have had a couple of new students in the class, they look a bit star struck in their photos. Welcome:)