Friday, 26 August 2016

Ask Me About

Week 5 has been and gone already. This term certainly is flying by. Room 19 have been so busy with their learning.

Literacy: we are all researching ideas about changes during the years of the Olympics. When reading we need to skim and scan the text to find main ideas, take notes and then summarise in our own words. 

Maths: Geometry this week has had us working on making and drawing cube houses. This has kept us all very busy and challenged, learning to draw 3 D shapes on isometric paper, our next step is to price the houses. We have also completed our circle art. 

Cycle safety: our Year 6 students have completed their road safety on their bikes. Well done! 

Reminders for next week: 


Thursday, 25 August 2016

We Are Stars

We have made the local paper, The Christchurch Mail:

Check it out!

Christchurch Symphony Orchestra

This week we were lucky enough to have members of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra come to visit and perform for the senior school.

They had 5 different instruments that they played for us. 

Year 6 Cycle Safety

This week our Room 19 year 6 students have attended cycle safety lessons. They had a very cold day yesterday out on the road. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Niamh and Pavis Bike Pump Track design

Holly and Nadia's Pump Track design

William and Adam L Pump Track design

Julie's Bike Track

Misha and Jonathan Bike Track

Umi and Ysabella Bike Pump Track

Benit and Parth Pump Track

Charles and Luca Bike Tracks

Adam and Patrick Bike Pump Track

Clemence, Christina and Giovanna Bike Pump Track

Giulia, Poppy and Sienna Plan and Model for Pump Track

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Art Trip

Week 4


MATHS: What is rotation, translation and Symmetry? How do we make a tessellation? 

Olympics: Who was New Zealand's first female Olympian? What sport did you enter? Can you tell us anything about her? 
What medals have we won so far?

Bike Tracks:  Time is running out to get these completed. What do you still need to work on to get it done on time? What do you need help with. Remember they need to have a presentation as well. 

Art Trip in the City Centre: Many thanks to all of our parents from Room 19 who were able to come with us on our trip. I really appreciate the support you gave our class on the day. Thanks to Bernie, Edwin, Chee Chang, Stephanie and Maria. 

CONGRATULATIONS: to these students who were awarded Values Certificates this week 
Well done to you for your solid efforts. 

Jacob Yikes: What an amazing artist Jacob is. The students watched a couple of items about him during the week then thought of questions collaboratively to ask him when he came to visit. He spoke to the children for about 25 minutes then started on a piece of art work. While painting he continued to answer students questions. Find out more about Jacob  by clicking on his name. Check out the amazing transformation of a plain board.

Next Week is BOOK WEEK: There will be a range of activities around reading. Remember that it is Dress up as a book character on Thursday. 

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Collaborative work

Fantastic work is going on in Room 19!

Check out the photos below of models being made of the pump track designs. 

We will keep you posted on the progress! 

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Week 2

Another fantastic week in Room 19! Thank you to everyone for coming to the learning conferences. It was great to catch up with everyone, I really enjoyed our conversations. 
Ask Me About: 

Geometry: what shapes have you learnt about? How do you make bets? What is the difference between a 2D and a 3D shape? See below for the awesome shapes made from nets. 

This week in reading we have concentrated on the Olympic values and how they are shown by New Zealand Olympic athletes. What are the Olympic Values? 


More great sessions working together to present routines using a range of shapes, balances and rolls! 

With Miss Gemma, what an awesome session we had on Friday. All students were working away so well on their pump track, when Mr Withers reminded us of our dance session! Whoops. 
It was fantastic. 

Monday, 1 August 2016

Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you had an awesome holiday. 

We had a busy first week of term starting our new learning! There were a few notices coming home as we have lots happening this term:

Cycle Safety for Year 6
Whole class trip into town with Room 19
Learning conferences

Gymnastics: we had a fantastic first session with Chris from Sport Canterbury. 

Winter Sport Tournament: once again we have had fantastic weather for our winter sports. Well done on all the students who competed well on Thursday! 

CONGRATULATIONS To Ysabella, she had had her poem published in the book Toi Toi. What a superb effort! 

Also well done to Adam for his super effort on Lexia. 

Bike Pump Track: we are all really excited to be working with partners to design a bike pump track for the new Christchurch Adventure Park. Stay tuned for our designs and plans